There's really no better camping breakfast than a cheesy, warm breakfast burrito. They are especially delightful on a cold morning. Plus, you make them ahead of time, so there is no onsite prep and no clean up!
Ingredients: (Makes about 8 burritos)
- 8 large tortillas
- 10 eggs
- 2 to 3 cups of your favorite shredded cheese
- Pack of bacon or sausages
- Back of frozen hashbrowns
- Add your own favorite ingredients
Directions to prepare your burritos:
- Scramble eggs
- Cook bacon or sausage
- Cook hashbrowns
- Prepare anything else you'd like to add to your burritos
- Set out all of your burrito ingredients and assemble your burritos
- Double wrap burritos in tinfoil or use thicker tinfoil so your burritos won't burn while cooking
- Place finished burritos in freezer or fridge (frozen ones will keep fresh two or there days in your cooler)
- Place burritos in your cooler along with salsa if desired
Directions to heat-up your burritos:
- Build a fire or light coals
- Place the tinfoil-wrapped burritos in a circle around your fire or coals
- Turn the burritos every few minutes to prevent burning
- After 20 to 30 minutes, check a burrito to see if it is warm enough
- Add salsa if desired
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